📄️ How to write a Front plugin ?
The hooks used in front plugin are:
📄️ animate
(since 2.4.3)
📄️ autoNext
This plugin lets you add a timer to automatically advance to the next slide.
📄️ console
This plugin allows to display a console like in old-school game (cs, ...) when a key is pressed.
📄️ gamepad-notes
This plugin allows you to control the navigation with a gamepad from the speaker view.
📄️ gamepad
This plugin allows you to control the navigation with a gamepad.
📄️ highlightjs
This plugin uses highlightjs to highlight sourcecode in your presentation.
📄️ keyboard-notes
This plugin allows you to control the navigation with a keyboard from the speaker view.
📄️ keyboard
This plugin allows you to control the navigation with a keyboard.
📄️ mermaid
This plugin allows you to use mermaid diagrams in your presentation.
📄️ number
Display the current slide page on bottom right.
📄️ plantuml
This plugin allows you to use PlantUML diagrams in your presentation.
📄️ progress
This plugin displays a progress bar in the bottom.
📄️ QRCode
This plugin displays a QRCode on each slide with its location.
📄️ reload
If your images has a reload class, then on a new slide, the image will be reloaded (usefull for gif files).
📄️ sbs
Step By Step
📄️ source
This plugin displays a button to show the source of the slide.
📄️ steps
This plugin overrides the next() function of slidesk to allow you to have a list which appears step by step.
📄️ xterm
Add a `` code in your slide to activate this plugin on it.