Example's talk

How to create a talk with SliDesk

// !include(fake.sdf)

Slide 1

A Slide is define by a line which starts with 2 '#' and a space after

Inclusion of file to structurate your file like your talk

A line which begins with this below syntax


will include the content of the file

It works with other file types.

Syntaxic words

SliDesk use markdown syntax.

A word/phrase wrapped by "*" will display in italic.

An italic word can be in a phrase

Wrapped with a ** will display in bold


Wrapped with a "`" will display as code


Wrapped with a double DOLLAR will allow you to internationalize your presentation

My variable is in the language we want x

Image + attributes

With a !image(path of your image)` at the beginning of a line will display

slidesk logo
slidesk logo

and you can specify width, height, styles, and if a caption is displayed !image(path, placeholder, 20, 20, float:left;, true)`

List (-)

List with num (.)

  1. list
    1. sublist
    2. sub
  2. end of a List
    1. an other sublist


  1. list
    1. test


With a componenents/myComponent.mjs file, you can create custom component like Test: my test giving this:

Test: my test


This slide is controled by a plugin autonext. It will go next in 4s

Env Variables

Wrapped with a double + will replace the variable by its value

Variable env


test links

https://sylvain.gougouzian/en.html gouz



Developed by https://gouz.dev

Test from a file